Media Arabic Booster 01/25

Media Arabic Booster 01/25

This month (01/25) in Media Arabic Booster: The airplane disaster in the USA and an article discussing the return of businessmen linked to Bashar al-Assad to Syria.

Last updated: 5 days

As a journalist, I read Arabic newspapers daily, especially the opinion section.

Every month, I want to share with you on Arabic for Nerds what I find interesting from a linguistic perspective and which vocabulary might be worth learning. I call it the Media Arabic Booster.

A close look at a headline

Headlines in Arabic media are generally easy to understand – but there are also some tricky words.

al-Shorouk (Egypt): Air plane crash in Washington DC

On January 30, 2025, a tragic accident happened in Washington, D.C., when an American Airlines flight collided with a military helicopter over the Potomac River near Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Sadly, all 67 people on both aircraft lost their lives.

The Egyptian newspaper al-Shorouk featured it on the front page of their January 31 issue.

mab 01 25 airplan tragedy washington al shourouq clipping 1
Egyptian daily al-Shorouk – frontpage 31st January 2025

Let’s focus on the headlines:

كارثة جوية فوق واشنطن

Air disaster over Washington

اِصْطِدامُ طائرة بِمِرْوَحِيَّةٍ عسكرية… وانتشال 28 قتيلا من نهر بوتومك… وترامب: وَضْعٌ رَهِيبٌ كان يُفْتَرَضُ تَجَنُّبُهُُ

A plane collides with a military helicopter… 28 dead people were pulled from the Potomac River… and Trump: A terrible situation that should have been avoided

al-Sharq al-Awsat: DeepSeek and the stock exchange

In January, the stock market showed many ups and downs after DeepSeek, a Chinese AI startup, announced that it created an AI model for much less money than the top models in the US.

On January 28, the Saudi-owned newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat (جريدة الشرق الأوسط), based in London and noted for its green-tinted pages, published a story in its economic section.

mab 01 25 deepseek shar awasat clipping

Let’s focus on the headlines:

»إنفيديا« تَكَبَّدَتْ أكبر خسارة يومية لشركة من قيمتها السوقية في التاريخ

Nvidia suffered the largest daily loss of a company’s market capitalization in history

»ديب سيك« الصيني لِلذَّكاءِ الاِصْطِناعِيِّ يضرب أسهم التكنولوجيا العالمية

China’s DeepSeek AI hits global tech stocks

Translation of an article

Let’s look at parts of a longer newspaper article in Arabic. We will translate each sentence carefully. The highlighted words are in the vocabulary list below.

al-Akhbar (Lebanon): The return of businessmen affiliated with Al-Assad to Syria

On 15 January 2025, the Lebanese daily newspaper al-Akhbar (جريدة الأخبار اللبنانية) published the following analysis:

The new Syrian administration, led by Ahmed al-Sharaa (أحمد الشرع), is urging businessmen who left during Bashar al-Assad’s regime to come back and help rebuild the economy, including some associated with the former regime. They are trying to protect their assets and restart their businesses. Although this has stirred some debate, the administration aims to boost the economy and demonstrate openness to all.

Let’s now take a closer look at a few complete paragraphs.

عودة رجال أعمال مرتبطين بالأسد: الاقتصاد أولويّة الشرع

The return of businessmen affiliated with Al-Assad: Economy is Al-Sharaa’s priority

Section 1

في محاولة لدفع الاقتصاد السوري المنهك والمدمر، بدأت القيادة الجديدة في سوريا، برئاسة أحمد الشرع، فتح قنوات تواصل مع رجال أعمال سوريين غادروا البلاد عقب سقوط سلطة بشار الأسد، بسبب مخاوف من عمليات انتقامية على خلفية علاقتهم بتلك السلطة. وأثمرت المحاولة المشار إليها، حتى الآن، عودة عدد من أبرز رجال الأعمال…

In an attempt to boost the battered and devastated Syrian economy, the new Syrian administration (leadership) under Ahmed al-Sharaa has begun to open channels of communication with Syrian businessmen who left the country after the fall of the regime of Bashar al-Assad, due to fears of reprisals for their ties to that regime. The aforementioned attempt has so far resulted in the return of a number of prominent businessmen…

Section 2

ودخل رجال الأعمال الذين عادوا إلى سوريا، أو الذين هم في طريق عودتهم، حسبما ذكرت مصادر مطلعة، قبل نحو أسبوعين، في حوار مع السلطة السورية الجديدة بوساطة عربية، لمعرفة مصير أملاكهم أولاً، وبحث سبل عودة نشاطهم ثانياً.

وعاد محمد حمشو، أحد أبرز رجال الأعمال في سوريا، وأحد شركاء ماهر الأسد، إلى سوريا في زيارة قصيرة، التقى خلالها مسؤولين في الحكومة السورية المؤقتة لمناقشة وضعه ووضع ممتلكاته. وبحسب ما سربته وسائل إعلام سورية، فقد حصل حمشو على تعهد بعدم المساس به مقابل «إجراءات خاصة» عليه أن يقوم بها، من دون الإفصاح عن ماهية تلك الإجراءات، ما أفسح المجال للحديث عن تعهده بدفع مبلغ مليار دولار، وهو ما لم تؤكده أو تنفه أية جهة مسؤولة في سوريا.

According to the sources, the returning businessmen or those who are planning to return engaged in a dialogue with the new Syrian administration through Arab mediation about two weeks ago, to first find out the fate of their properties, and secondly to discuss ways to resume their activities.

Mohammad Hamsho, one of Syria’s most prominent businessmen and one of Maher al-Assad’s partner [Maher is the younger brother of Baashar al-Assad], returned to Syria for a short visit, during which he met with officials in the Syrian interim government to discuss his situation and the status of his assets. According to leaks in the Syrian media, Hamsho received a pledge not to be touched in exchange for “special measures” that he had to take, without disclosing the nature of those measures. This opened the door to rumors about his pledge to pay a billion dollars, which has not been confirmed or denied by any official party in Syria…

Section 3

وبالإضافة إلى حمشو، عاد إلى سوريا مستثمرون آخرون، بعضهم متهمون بإدارة أملاك ماهر الأسد، كرئيف قوتلي، وخالد قدور، اللذين أجريا لقاءات أيضاً مع مسؤولي الإدارة السورية الجديدة. وفي وقت سابق، بدأ سامر فوز، أحد أبرز المستثمرين في سوريا، وأحد أبرز داعمي النظام السابق، إعادة تشغيل استثماراته، بعد اتفاقات مباشرة تمّت بينه وبين الإدارة من دون وساطة عربية، وأفضت إلى تقديم تسهيلات كبيرة لنشاط الإدارة، بما فيها التحكم بسلسلة فنادق يملكها فوز، أبرزها فندق «الفورسيزنس» في دمشق، والذي تحوّل إلى مركز نشاط سياسي واقتصادي للحكومة المؤقتة ومسؤوليها.

In addition to Hamsho, other investors returned to Syria, some of whom are accused of managing Maher al-Assad’s properties, such as Raif Quwatli and Khaled Qaddour, who also held meetings with officials of the new Syrian administration. Earlier, Samer Foz, one of the most prominent investors in Syria and one of the most prominent supporters of the former regime, began to relaunch his investments, after direct agreements were reached between him and the administration without Arab mediation, which led to providing significant facilities for the administration’s activity, including control over a chain of hotels owned by Foz, most notably the Four Seasons Hotel in Damascus, which has become a center of political and economic activity for the interim government and its officials.

Section 4

وفي وقت أثارت فيه عودة رجال الأعمال المرتبطين بالسلطة السابقة جدلاً في الشارع، وسط مطالبات بمحاسبتهم أو مصادرة أملاكهم، تُصِرّ الإدارة الجديدة على إفساح المجال لعودة من يرغب منهم. وهي تستهدف من وراء ذلك دفع الاقتصاد وتنشيطه أولاً، وتصدير نفسها على أنها منفتحة على الجميع في سبيل بناء الدولة، ما يضمن طيّ صفحة تاريخها المتشدد. وإذ ستكشف الأيام المقبلة حقيقة التعهدات التي تقدمت بها للمستثمرين العائدين، فقد يكون من شأن ذلك تشجيع آخرين على العودة.

At a time when the return of businessmen linked to the former regime has sparked controversy in the streets, amid demands to hold them accountable or confiscate their properties, the new administration insists on making room for (allowing) the return of those who wish to do so. The administration aims to boost and revitalize the economy first and to present itself as open to everyone in order to build the state, which ensures turning the page on its extremist history. As the coming days will reveal the truth about the pledges it has made to returning investors, this may encourage others to return.

BACKGROUND: The economy of Syria

The Syrian economy in 2025 is undergoing significant transformation following the fall of the Assad regime in December 2024.

The economy faces severe challenges, including high inflation, a decimated currency, and widespread poverty. The Syrian pound has lost significant value, and inflation has reached triple digits. The Central Bank of Syria’s foreign exchange reserves have dwindled to just $200 million.

Here is a look at what the economy was like during Bashar al-Asad’s dictatorship.

Key Business Figures

  • Mohammad Hamsho (محمد حمشو): A prominent businessman with interests in construction, telecommunications, and media. He was known for his close ties to the Assad family and played a significant role in the Syrian economy.
  • Raif Quwatli (رائف قوتلي): Another influential figure, Quwatli was involved in various sectors, including real estate and banking. His connections with the regime allowed him to thrive in the business environment.
  • Khaled Qaddour (خالد قدور): Known for his involvement in the oil and gas sector, Qaddour was a key player in Syria’s energy industry. His business dealings were closely linked to the regime’s interests.
  • Maher al-Assad (ماهر الأسد): Bashar al-Assad’s younger brother, Maher, was not only a military figure but also had significant economic influence. He was involved in various business ventures, including real estate and construction.
  • Hussam Qaterji (حسام قاطرجي): A businessman with interests in oil, agriculture, and trade. Qaterji’s rise in the business world was facilitated by his connections with the Assad regime.

Economic Characteristics

  • State Control: The Assad regime maintained control over key sectors such as oil, telecommunications, and banking. This allowed the regime to exert significant influence over the economy.
  • Crony Capitalism: The economy was marked by cronyism, with a small group of businessmen benefiting from their close ties to the regime. This created an environment where corruption and nepotism were rampant.
  • Sanctions and Conflict: International sanctions and the ongoing civil war severely impacted the Syrian economy. The conflict led to widespread destruction of infrastructure and a significant decline in economic activity.

GDP Details

GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is a measure of the economic performance of a country. It represents the total value of all goods and services produced over a specific time period within a nation’s borders.

  • 2023/2024: The GDP has drastically declined due to the prolonged conflict and economic instability, with the GDP in 2021 being around $8.98 billion (rough estimates)
  • 2010: Before the Arab Spring and the revolution, Syria’s GDP was approximately $60.04 billion (according to the World Bank)

Vocabulary list

All the words in the above article marked in color can be found in this table with explanations.

If you are unfamiliar with the verb system used in the Hans Wehr dictionary (Roman numerals, I-X), click here for a short and simplified overview.

Part 1: Analysis of a headline

The following vocabulary list covers the yellow-marked words we saw in the headlines.

pl: كَوارِثُ
catastrophe; disaster. For example: natural disaster (كارِثَةٌ طَبِيعِيَّةٌ); an inevitable disaster (كارِثَةٌ مَحْتُومَةٌ). Synonyms: مُصِيبَةٌ عَظِيمَةٌ (great calamity), آفَةٌ (plague) and نَكْبَةٌ (Note: with the definite article, النَكْبة, denotes The Catastrophe: the events of 1948, when Palestinians were displaced from their homeland by the creation of the new state of Israel.)
اِصْطِدامٌ بِ
pl: اِصْطِداماتٌ
collision (with); clash; shock. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the VIII-verb اِصْطَدَمَ – يَصْطَدِمُ بِ which means to collide with. Note that the root is ص-د-م. Since the first root letter is bold and emphatic, the ت in the verb pattern اِفْتَعَلَ turns into an emphatic ط.
مِرْوَحِيَّةٌhelicopter. It is based on the noun مِرْوَحَةٌ (pl: مَراوِحُ) which means propeller and is the noun of instrument (اِسْمُ الْآلةِ), following the pattern مِفْعَلَةٌ of the راحَ – يَرُوحُ in the classical meaning of to be aired by the wind. Note that the root ر-و-ح is quite complex and conveys many meanings. The primary meaning once was to do a thing, to go from the declining of the sun from the meridian until night (= the last part of the day). Then it became more multifaceted: travel or journey at evening time; to blow in the evening (wind); to be lost for one (راحَ عَلَيْهِ), ride or drive (راحَ راكِبًا), walk (راحَ مَاشِيًا). Today, it often just means to go.
اِنْتِشالٌrescuing, saving, recovery. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the VIII-verb اِنْتَشَلَ – يَنْتَشِلُ (root: ن-ش-ل) which means to pick up, especially also in the sense of: to pick up shipwrecked people, etc. For example: recovery of bodies (اِنْتِشالُ الْجُثَثِ)
رَهِيبٌdreadful; horrible; fearful. Watch out: It does not always convey the true meaning of horrible. It could also be used in the sense of awe-inspiring (person), respectable (achievement) or serious (human being) or even colloquially as great, incredibly good.
اِفْتَرَضَ – يَفْتَرِضُto presume; to assume. VIII-verb. It is often used in the passive voice (ال). For example: You are supposed to know that (يُفْتَرَضُ أَنْ تَعْرِفَ ذٰلِكَ). With the preposition عَلَى, it conveys the meaning of to impose on (اِفْتَرَضَ شَيْئًا عَلَى شَخْصٍ)
تَجَنُّبٌavoidance; prevention. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the V-verb تَجَنَّبَ – يَتَجَنَّبُ which means to avoid, to keep away.
تَكَبَّدَ – يَتَكَبَّدُto undergo; to suffer. V-verb. The verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) is تَكَبُّد. For example: to suffer losses (تَكَبَّدَ خَسارةً)
pl: خَسائِرُ
loss, damage. For example: loss of lives (خَسائِرُ بَشَرِيَّةٌ); to cause damage (أَنْزَلَ خَسائِرَ). The word is also part of a common Arabic expression: What a pity! What a shame! (يا خَسارةً)
ذَكاءٌ اِصْطِناعِيٌّ. This is a literal translation of AI as اِصْطِناعِيٌّ means artificial, synthetic. It is the Nisba adjective (نِسْبةٌ) of the verbal noun اِصْطِناعٌ which means creating, constructing.
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner

Part 2: Translation of an article

Headline and article section 1

دَفْعٌpushing. It is the verbal noun (مصدر) of the I-verb دَفَعَ – يَدْفَعُ which means to push; also: to pay.
مُنْهَكٌexhausted; burned out. It is the passive participle (اِسْمُ الْمَفْعُولِ) of the IV-verb أَنْهَكَ – يُنْهِكُ which means to exhaust; to drain. For example: to be physically and mentally exhausted (كانَ مُنْهَكًا جِسْميًّا وَعَقْليًّا)
اِنْتِقامِيٌّrevengeful; retributive. It is the Nisba adjective (نِسْبةٌ) of the noun اِنْتِقامٌ which means revenge and is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the VIII-verb اِنْتَقَمَ – يَنْتَقِمُ لِ which means to take revenge for (لِ) / on (مِنْ).
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner
خَلْفِيَّةٌbackground, backdrop. Often used in the phrase عَلَى خَلْفِيَّةِ which means against the backdrop of; because of.
أَثْمَرَ – يُثْمِرُto bear fruit; to yield. IV-verb. For example: Her patience paid off (صَبْرُها أَثْمَرُ).
مُشارٌ إِلَيْهِaforementioned. It is the passive participle (اِسْمُ الْمَفْعُولِ) of the IV-verb أَشارَ – يُشيرُ which means to point to.
بارِزٌprominent, important; excellent. أَبْرَزُ is the comparative/superlative form, also called (اِسْمُ التَّفْضِيلِ).
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner

Article Section 2

مُطَّلِعٌwell-informed. It is the active participle (اِسْمُ الْفاعِلِ) of the VIII-verb اطَّلَعَ – يَطَّلِعُ (root: ط-ل-ع) which means to examine; to come to know. For example: to be well-informed about something (كانَ مُطَّلِعًا عَلَى شَيْءٍ). Note: In the pattern اِفْتَعَلَ, if the first root letter is ط, it merges with the ت and gets doubled.
وَساطةٌmediation; intervention. See Media Arabic Booster 12-24.
مَصِيرٌfate; destiny; path. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the I-verb صارَ – يَصيرُ which means to become; to happen. For example: The fate and whereabouts of many of those civilians remain unknown (وَلا يَزالُ مَصِيرُ وَأَماكِنُ وُجُودِ الْعَدِيدِ مِنْ هٰؤُلاءِ الْمَدَنِيِّينَ مَجْهُولِينَ).
pl: سُبُلٌ – أَسْبِلةٌ
way, path; means. For example: for the sake of (في سَبيلِ); for Allah’s sake (فِي سَبِيلِ اللّٰهِ); it is impossible to do that (لا سَبِيلَ إِلَى فِعْلِ هٰذا); to have no other choice but (لا سَبِيلَ أَمامَنا سِوَى).
الْتَقَى – يَلْتَقِي بِto meet. VIII-verb. Root: ل-ق-ي. For example: to meet a friend at the train station (اِلْتَقَى بِصَدِيقٍ فِي مَحَطَّةِ الْقِطارِ)
مَسْؤُولٌresponsible; also: official; executive. It is the passive participle (اِسْمُ الْمَفْعُولِ) of the I-verb سَأَلَ – يَسْأَلُ which means to request.
مُؤَقَّتٌtemporary; provisional. It is the passive participle (اِسْمُ الْمَفْعُولِ) of the IV-verb أَقَّتَ – يُؤَقِّتُ which means to determine the time, but is rarely used. The passive participle conveys the idea of determined, defined, as to its extreme limit or amount. For example: a provisional decision (قَرارٌ مُؤَقَّتٌ); a temporary job (وَظِيفةٌ مُؤَقَّتةٌ)
pl: مُمْتَلَكاتٌ
property; belongings. It is the passive participle of the VIII-verb اِمْتَلَكَ – يَمْتَلِكُ which means to possess. Watch out: The active participle (اِسْمُ الْفاعِلِ) – with “i” – is مُمْتَلِكٌ and means owner.
سَرَّبَ – يُسَرِّبُto leak. For example: to leak secrets (سَرَّبَ أَسْرارًا)
pl: تَعَهُّداتٌ
pledge. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of t he V-verb تَعَهَّدَ – يَتَعَهَّدُ which means to pledge; to take care of.
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner
مِساسٌ بِtouching, feeling; contact. Also: violation of (بِ); encroachment upon a right, a possession (بِ). For example: it concerns; it touches upon (لَهُ مِساسٌ بِ).
مُقابِلَin exchange for; against; instead of. It is the passive participle (اِسْمُ الْمَفْعُولِ) of the III-verb قابَلَ – يُقابِلُ which means to encounter; also: to be the equivalent of. Note the final vowel “a” which indicates the function of an adverb (ظَرْفٌ).
إفْصاحٌstatement; declaration. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the IV-verb أَفْصَحَ – يُفْصِحُ which means to put into words.
ماهِيّةٌessence; nature. For example: the core of the problem (ماهِيّةُ الْمُشْكِلةِ). It is an interesting word, as most scholars say that it is the Nisba (نِسْبةٌ) adjective of the phrase مَا هُو.
أَفْسَحَ – يُفْسِحُto make room; to widen. IV-verb. The verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) is إِفْساحٌ. For example: to make room for something (أَفْسَحَ الْمَكانَ لِشَيْءٍ)
pl: مَبالِغُ
amount; sum. It is a special form of the infinitive noun (مصدر ميميّ) of the I-verb بَلَغَ – يَبْلُغُ which means to amount to. For example: a small sum/amount (مَبْلَغٌ ضَئِيلٌ); a huge sum (مَبْلَغٌ طائِلٌ); a considerable sum (مَبْلَغٌ مُحْتَرَمٌ)
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner

Article Section 3

مُسْتَثْمِرٌinvestor. It is the active participle (اِسْمُ الْفاعِلِ) of the X-verb اسْتَثْمَرَ – يَسْتَثْمِرُ which means to invest. For example: large investors (مُسْتَثْمِرُونَ كِبارٌ)
مُتَّهَمٌ بِaccused of; suspected of. It is the passive participle (اِسْمُ الْمَفْعُولِ) of the اتَّهَمَ – يَتَّهِمُ بِ which means to accuse. For example: main suspect (مُتَّهَمٌ رَئِيسِيٌّ)
إِدارةٌadministration; management; running. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the IV-verb أَدارَ – يُدِيرُ which means to operate; to steer, to lead. For example: business administration (إِدارةُ الْأَعْمالِ); mismanagement (سُوءُ الْإِدارةِ)
pl: أَمْلاكٌ
property. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the I-verb مَلَكَ – يَمْلِكُ which means to own, to possess. For example: state property (أَمْلاكُ الْحُكُومةِ)
أَجْرَى – يُجْرِيto carry out; to run. IV-verb. For example: to carry out research (أَجْرَى بَحْثًا)
سابِقٌprevious; past; last. It is the active participle of the I-verb سَبَقَ – يَسْبُقُ which means to be before; to precede. For example: previously (سابِقًا); previous research (اِسْتِطْلاعٌ سابِقٌ)
تَشْغِيلٌputting into operation, employment (of workers). It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the II-verb شَغَّلَ – يُشَغِّلُ which means to put into action. For example: operating system (نِظامُ تَشْغِيلٍ)
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner
اِسْتِثْمارٌinvestment; investing. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the X-verb اِسْتَثْمَرَ – يَسْتَثْمِرُ which means to invest. For example: real estate investment (اِسْتِثْمارٌ فِي الْعَقارِ).
أَفْضَى – يُفْضِي إِلَىto lead to; to result in. IV-verb; root: ف-ض-و. For example: to result in an agreement (أَفْضَى إِلَى اتِّفاقٍ). Note: With the preposition بِ, it means to announce; to notify.
pl: تَسْهِيلاتٌ
facilitation; simplification; making easy. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the II-verb سَهَّلَ – يُسَهِّلُ which means to make easy; to facilitate.
تَحَكُّمٌcontrol; command. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the V-verb تَحَكَّمَ – يَتَحَكَّمُ which means to have control. Notice the correct prepositions: to control something/to be in control of something (تَحَكَّمَ بِشَيْءٍ). But: to have one’s own way in something (تَحَكَّمَ فِي شَيْءٍ)
سِلْسِلةٌchain; series; sequence. For example: a series of educational reforms (سِلْسِلَةٌ مِنْ الْإِصْلاحاتِ التَّعْلِيمِيَّةِ)
تَحَوَّلَ – يَتَحَوَّلُ إِلَىto change into. V-verb.
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner

Article Section 4

أَثارَ – يُثيرُto stir up. IV-verb. For example: to cause a stir (أَثارَ ضَجّةً); to raise doubts (أَثارَ الشُّكوكَ)
جَدَلٌcontroversy; discussion; debate. For example: to cause controversy (أَثارَ الْجَدَلَ); to settle a dispute (حَسَمَ جَدَلًا); indisputable (لا جَدَلَ فِيهِ)
مُحاسَبةٌdemand for accountability; accounting. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the III-verb حاسَبَ – يُحاسِبُ which means to settle an account; to hold responsible.
أَصَرَّ – يُصِرُّ عَلَىto insist on. IV-verb. For example: to impose one’s will (أَصَرَّ عَلَى إرادَتِهِ)
ضَمِنَ – يَضْمَنُto guarantee; to ensure. I-verb. For example: to guarantee safety (ضَمِنَ الْأَمْنَ)
طَيٌّfolding; turning. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the I-verb طَوَى – يَطْوِي which means to fold; to cover/hide; to roll up. For example: collapsible (قابِلٌ لِلطَّيِّ); enclosed (فِي طَيِّهِ)
كَشَفَ – يَكْشِفُto reveal; to lay open. I-verb. For example: to reveal surprising facts (كَشَفَ حَقَائِقَ مُفَاجِئَةً)
pl: تَشْجِيعَاتٌ
support; encouragement. It is the verbal noun (مَصْدَرٌ) of the II-verb شَجَّعَ – يُشَجِّعُ which means to encourage. For example: encouraging creative thinking (تَشْجِيعُ اَلتَّفْكِيرِ اَلْإِبْدَاعِيِّ)
Vocabulary List – Media Arabic Booster 01/25 – © Gerald Drißner

For +members: Vocab Quiz 01/25

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Latest Media Arabic Booster Episodes:


Media Arabic Booster 12/24

This month (12/24) in Media Arabic Booster: The fall of Bashar al-Assad and an article discussing the link between Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood

Media Arabic Booster 11/24

This month (11/24) in Media Arabic Booster: What do the Houthis get out of attacking ships in the Red Sea? And an interesting headline following the election of Donald Trump as the new US president.

Media Arabic Booster 10/24

This month (10/24) in Media Arabic Booster: The situation in Lebanon and an article discussing why Saudi Arabia is reluctant to join the BRICs.

NOTICE: If there are any errors or mistakes in this article, please let me know or use the comment section below. I am not a native English speaker, and inaccuracies can quickly creep in with more complicated texts. We are all here to learn.

DISCLAIMER: Just so you know, my focus is purely on the language, and my selection of texts does not express any political views. The Arab world is currently full of sad conflicts. If a text excerpt hits someone personally or makes them angry, please remember that as a journalist, I listen to all sides without judgment, and I do not want to spread any political views or engage in discussions on Arabic for Nerds. All I care about here is the wonderful language of Arabic, and that we can all use it to understand each other better.

Note: The feature image was created by AI and is used for illustration purposes only.

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Media Arabic Booster 01/25 This month (01/25) in Media Arabic Booster: The airplane disaster in the USA and an article discussing the return of businessmen linked to Bashar al-Assad to Syria.
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Paul Ammann
7 days ago

This is a great site – thanks a lot for the very useful input regarding media arabic!!!

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