Ibn Manzur
Ibn Manzur, featured on a Tunisian stamp, 1987

20 questions for people who are passionate about Arabic

9273 roots

Lisan al-‘Arab (لِسان الْعَرَب), the famous dictionary of Classical Arabic, contains 9273 roots (and 4,493,934 words). A huge playground for people who are passionate about Arabic. In the series 9273 roots, I will interview people who teach, work with or simply love Arabic – people with dedication and passion for Arabic.

Each person is unique in a certain way. They will come from different parts of life and from all parts of the world, ranging from teachers, diplomats, journalists, language nerds, translators as well as more experienced and established experts.

Every person is asked the same 20 questions.

So far, the following people have been interviewed:

Eamonn Gearon, Race to the Stones, July 2023

20 questions for: Eamonn Gearon (#34)

He started with the infamous orange book about Arabic by Peter F. Abboud. Today, after years of living in Arab countries, Eamonn Gearon makes the…
Mennan Salih

20 questions for: Mennan Salih (#33)

The verb عَسعَسَ (to become dark) is Mennan Salih's favorite Arabic word. The author of the popular Arabic language blog "The Arabic Pages" recently…
Dominic Herbert

20 questions for: Dominic Herbert (#32)

Long-distance athletes may find their stamina helps them persevere in the study of Arabic. Dominic Herbert is one of them. Learn more about him in this…
Jan Hoogland in the desert

20 questions for: Jan Hoogland (#31)

I am a big fan of the Oxford Arabic Dictionary. Therefore, I am honored that one of the creators of this exceptional dictionary was available for the…

20 questions for: Betül Aslan (#30)

I have always come across excellent Arabic speakers in Turkey. Betül Aslan is one of them. "The reason for learning a language is the most critical…
Georg Binder

20 questions for: Georg Binder (#29)

An Austrian kid goes on vacation to Egypt and is so enthusiastic about Arabic that the 14-year-old starts learning Arabic on his own back in Austria.…

20 questions for: Uchechi Kalu (#28)

"From zero to fluent" is possible, says Uchechi Kalu. Learn more about Uchechi in Episode 28 of the "9273 roots"-interview series: The woman who…
Sami Morcos

20 questions for: Sami Morcos (#23)

Episode #23 of "9273 roots": An interview with Sami Morcos – the man who created a great website that converts any number into Arabic text.

20 questions for: Nesrin Amin (#22)

Episode #22 of my series "9273 roots": 20 questions for the woman who explains Egyptian Arabic expressions by annotated movie clips: Nesrin Amin.
Daniel Falk

20 questions for: Daniel Falk (#19)

Episode #19 of my series "9273 roots": 20 questions for the the man who masters simultaneous Arabic – German interpreting: Dr. Daniel Falk

CALL FOR SUGGESTIONS: Who should we interview soon?

Do you know an interesting person who has a special relationship with the Arabic language? Then click yes below and tell us why we should interview this person!