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18 posts
Arabic dictionary
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How good is your Arabic? A quiz

Vocabulary is one of the indicators of how well you know a language. In this test, you will be asked ten questions, randomly selected from a database containing the 6000 most common words in Arabic. Are you ready?
Example page Oxford Arabic - English dictionary
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22 things you did not know about the Oxford Arabic dictionary

The Oxford Dictionary is the most up-to-date Arabic dictionary on the market today. In this interview, Tressy Arts, the dictionary's editor-in-chief, talks about the creation of this gigantic work. We learn why swear words aren't easy to translate into Arabic, how computers helped create the dictionary, and which Arabic words are particularly tricky.
Jan Hoogland in the desert
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20 questions for: Jan Hoogland (#31)

I am a big fan of the Oxford Arabic Dictionary. Therefore, I am honored that one of the creators of this exceptional dictionary was available for the 9273-roots series: Jan Hoogland, a Dutch Arabic scholar and Moroccan Arabic expert.
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How Spotify can be used to learn Arabic

Spotify (also the free version) can show the lyrics of the song you are playing in real time. This works surprisingly well for Arabic songs too. Here is how you can turn Spotify into a great study tool for Arabic!