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Guest Article

11 posts

Guest authors who have published on Arabic for Nerds. Anyone is welcome to share his/her thoughts and ideas.

pexels foreign language scaled scaled
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Does the term “foreign language” still fit our times?

Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL); the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL): we need to talk about the "F"-word in these acronyms, writes Dr. Roger Anderson. If Arabic is a "foreign" language, then every time Arab-Americans speak it within their home, they are performing something foreign in every conversation. Hence, the "foreign" has to be abandoned, opines Dr. Anderson in a thought-provoking guest article.
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How a US Military Arabic Course Went Global

In the 20th century, Arabic language material was scarce. During the Vietnam War, Reginald Hefner, had access to a language lab of the US military - and later discovered, how the Military's Arabic material was used by publishers around the world. He shares some reminiscences and anecdotes in this guest article.
Marco Rateitschak
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Confessions of a lifelong learner of Arabic

How do you manage to motivate yourself to learn Arabic for years, even decades? Marco Rateitschak has been learning Arabic since 1999. In a guest article, he describes his journey and offers valuable advice for anyone in such a situation. A survival guide for lifelong learners of Arabic.

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