Screenshot IPTVnator -Rotana HD

How to stream Arabic TV for free

Watching Arabic TV channels online is now very easy with the use of IPTV services and M3U playlists. You can enjoy more than 700 Arabic channels for free, and it is even possible to watch some channels in high definition. It takes less than five minutes to set up – here is how it works.

Last updated: 4 days

Learning Arabic can be more engaging by watching Arabic TV. Thankfully, with online TV (IP TV), you can find and enjoy these programs right from your computer. It’s simple; you only need a video player app and an updated list of links to Arabic channels. We’ll show you start watching Arabic TV on your computer quickly — it’ll take less than five minutes to set up.

Of course, there are now excellent Arabic streaming services like Shahid. But they cost money and secondly, people also want to watch regular TV shows or old movies. For me as a journalist, it is also important to watch state television. Here you can find out how you can bring most of the channels that are otherwise only available via Nilesat to your home.

Before the Internet was fast enough to stream video, I had satellite dishes on my roof where I lived. While in Egypt, a dish slightly larger than a plate was enough, in Istanbul, I needed a 1.80-meter dish and 30 meters of cable to get the signal of Nilesat into my room. Streaming is therefore a blessing for anyone who wants to watch foreign channels.

Let’s take a look at what you need and have to install.

Quick & Easy: Watch Arabic IP TV on your internet browser

In this article, I will show an easy solution that should work on any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux). You do not need to install anything, which makes it a great solution for people who want to watch Arabic television in their office or on a public computer. There are several options for this. I will use IPTVnator, which is a free, open-source solution.

So let’s take a look at how IPTV works for Arabic channels. You need three steps.

STEP 1: Open the web version of IPTVnator

You can press the button below to open a new window or go directly to the website in a new browser window:

Now you should see something like this:

Screenshot IPTVnator webapp
Screenshot IPTVnator webapp:

STEP 2: Add a M3U playlist for Arabic TV channels

People often collect links for watching Arabic TV channels into special files called M3U files. However, you should be aware that many of these files that offer Arabic TV channels might not have permission to do so, and using them could be against the law. Stick to using lists that are freely and legally available online, which is what we do here now.

There is a big advantage to using the URL instead of uploading a file: You can update the channel list with one click, and you don’t have to keep uploading new files.

Get free Arabic M3U playlists

Here’s a list of web addresses I find useful. It’s best to use just the first one, because the other links might have channels from different places.

& North Africa (740 channels):

Middle East (689 channels):

The website link should have been copied to your clipboard. If not, please mark and copy the link again manually. You’ll use it in the following step.

STEP 3: Copy the URL to IPTVnator

Now go back to the browser window where we opened Click the blue “plus” symbol.

Screenshot IPTVnator - add url
Screenshot IPTVnator – add url

Select “Add via URL” and past (or enter) the link to the M3U file.

Screenshot IPTVnator - add playlist
Screenshot IPTVnator -add playlist

We’ve done our job and can now look forward to streaming Arabic TV without paying any subscription fees.


If everything went well, you should now see a window with over 700 Arabic TV channels on the left-hand side.

Screenshot IPTVnator -Rotana HD
Screenshot IPTVnator – Rotana HD

Note: Occasionally, a channel might not work smoothly, but generally, I can watch most HD channels clearly on a 4K screen without issues!

Happy streaming!


You can play M3U files using different video players, such as VLC or KODI. Now, I’ll guide you on how to get IPTVnator on your desktop computer.

Installing IPTVnator on desktop devices

Here’s how you can install IPTVnator on your desktop computer:

  1. Head to the GitHub release page:
  2. Download the latest version

    For Windows IPTVnator-x.y.z-win.exe
    For MacOS IPTVnator-x.y.z-mac.dmg
    For Linux: You can download the AppImage ( IPTVnator-x.y.z.AppImage) or if your Linux is ARCH based, you can use the command yay iptvnator
Screenshot github download IPTVnator
Screenshot github download IPTVnator

Arabic M3U playlists by countries

There are many more M3U playlists available for Arabic TV. Most of the country files also include channels from other countries.

  • Algeria (57 channels): URL:
  • Egypt (83 channels):
  • Lebanon (60 channels):
  • Iraq (110 channels):
  • (64 channels):
  • Libya (61 channels):
  • Morocco (64 channels):
  • (61 channels):
  • Saudi Arabia (83 channels):
  • Sudan (54 channels):
  • Syria (47 channels):
  • Tunisia (59 channels):
  • United Arab Emirates (81 channels):
  • Yemen (45 channels):

Watching Arabic TV with IPTV on mobile devices

To watch Arabic TV on your phone, you don’t need a special app. Just open your mobile browser and visit the IPTVnator website – and upload the M3U file or paste the link. But if you plan on watching it often, you might prefer using an app. Here are a few you can try:



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