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6 posts
I have always come across excellent Arabic speakers in Turkey. Betül Aslan is one of them. "The reason for learning a language is the most critical point that affects the learning process", says Betül in interview #30 of the 9273 roots series.
Episode #23 of "9273 roots": An interview with Sami Morcos - the man who created a great website that converts any number into Arabic text.
Episode #10 of my series "9273 Roots": 20 questions to the woman who writes books for bilingual children (Arabic-English): Sirine Demarchkie
Episode #5 of my series "9273 Roots": 20 questions to the man who turns Arabic letters into beautiful art: Omar Safa.
Episode #1 of the interview series 9273 Roots: 20 questions for the grammarian Antoine Robert el-Dahdah (الدحداح), who put Arabic grammar into charts and tables.