Last updated: 8 months
Media Arabic Booster 02/24
As a journalist, I read Arabic newspapers daily, especially the opinion section. Every month, I want to share with you on Arabic for Nerds what I find interesting from a linguistic perspective and which vocabulary might be worth learning. I call it the Media Arabic Booster.
A close look at a headline
Headlines in Arabic media are generally easy to understand – but there are also some tricky words.
al-Akhbar (Egypt): people with disabilities
On Thursday, February 29, the Egyptian daily newspaper al-Akhbar had the following headline on its front page.
We want to focus here on the terms that journalists use for people with disabilities.
Above the headline
الرَّئِيسُ يَشْهَدُ النُّسْخَةَ الْخامِسَةَ لِاِحْتِفالِيَّةِ ذَوى الهِمَمِ
The president attends the fifth edition of the People with Disabilities Ceremony
تَوْجِيهُ الحُكُومَةِ بِتَخْصِيصِ 15 مِلْياراتِ جُنَيْهٍ لِصُنْدُوقٍ قادِرُونَ بِاِخْتِلافٍ
Government directive to allocate EGP 15 billion to the fund “Differently Abled”
Let’s focus on the word ذَوَى. What does it mean?
It is a form of the word ذُو which literally means owner; possessor of (صاحِبة); one who has; one with. In a more abstract way, it simply expresses that a person has certain qualities, for example, power or influence, but also physical things, like a beard or Dhu al-Qarnayn (ذُو الْقَرْنَيْنِ), lit. The Two-Horned One, who appears several times in the Holy Qur’an (most famously, as one who builds a wall to keep away Gog and Magog). So why do we have the letter ى here?
ذُو is one of the so-called five nouns (الْأَسْماءُ الْخَمْسةُ – al-asma’ al-khamsa); some also say six nouns (الْأَسْمَاء السِّتَّة – al-asma’ al-sitta). The most famous of the five nouns is probably أَبٌ (father).
ذو is an intriguing word in Arabic. It means the owner of, one who has or one with. They are marked in Arabic by long vowels rather than short vowels, so the three cases are ذو (nominative – مرفوع), ذا (accusative – منصوب), and ذي (genitive – مجرور).
Since al-Akhbar is an Egyptian newspaper, the ي is written without dots (ى), so we actually have here: ذَوِي الْهِمَمِ.
Now let’s quickly go through all possible forms of ذُو:
singular nominative | ذُو | ذَاتُ |
singular accusative | ذا | ذَاتَ |
singular genitive | ذِي | ذَاتِ |
dual nominative | ذَوَا | ذاتا or ذَواتا |
dual accusative/genitive | ذَوَيْ | ذاتَيْ or ذَواتَيْ |
plural nominative | ذَوُو or أُولُو | ذَواتُ |
plural accusative/genitive | ذَوِي or أُولِي | ذَواتِ |
➤ So what we have here is the masculine plural form ذَوُو which turns into ذَوِي in the genitive case.
Vocabulary list
All the words marked in yellow above are explained here.
نُسْخة | copy, but also: edition |
هِمّةٌ – plural: هِمَمٌ | ambition; effort; energy |
ذَوُو الْهِمَمِ or أَصْحابُ الْهِمَمِ | people with disabilities |
احْتِياجات خاصّة | special needs – for example: children with special needs (أَطْفالُ ذُو اِحْتِياجاتٍ خاصَّةٍ) |
اِحْتِفاليّةٌ | celebration; ceremony; festival. This is an artificial infinitive noun (مَصْدَرٌ صِناعِيٌّ) of اِحْتِفالٌ |
تَوْجِيهٌ | directing/directive; instruction, but also: guidance, as in career guidance (التَّوْجيهُ الْمِهْنيُّ). This is the infinitive noun (مصدر) of II-verb وَجَّهَ – يُوَجِّهُ which means to steer; to send; to turn; to warn/accuse. In Arabic media, you will often encounter the following expression: وَجَّهَ الْكَلامَ إلى شَخْصٍ which means to address someone. |
تَخْصِيصٌ | allocation; designation; in economics also: privatization. For example: allocation of a sum of money (تَخْصيص مَبْلَغٍ); privatization of state companies (تَخْصيص شَرِكاتٍ حُكوميّةٍ). |
صُنْدُوقٌ | box; fund. For example: The International Monetary Fund – IMF (صُنْدُوقُ النَّقْدِ الدُّوَلِيُّ). |
قادِرٌ | capable; able. The word is also used in dialects and occurs in many phrases. For example: to no longer be capable of something (لَمْ يَعُدْ قادِرًا عَلَى شَيْءٍ). The word الْقادِرُ is one of the 99 names of Allah (أسماء الله الحسنى) and means The All-Powerful; The All-Capable; The Omnipotent. |
Translation of an article
To really get to the core of Arabic newspapers and magazines, you have to know a bunch of words. Plus, the way they phrase things and put sentences together can sometimes be a real challenge. That’s why I’m all about translating whole sentences, so you can gain more confidence and speed up your Arabic skills.
Let’s focus on certain parts of the text and translate each sentence carefully. The words marked in yellow can be found further down in the vocabulary list.
al-Arab (London): Algeria strengthens ties with Mauritania
On February 11, the newspaper Al-Arab (صحيفة العرب), published in London, featured a front-page story about Algeria‘s relationship with Mauritania. Even though Mauritania doesn’t get much attention in the Western media, it plays an important role in the tensions of North Africa. So let’s see what is happening there.
Al-Arab ( is the first Arabic daily newspaper in London since 1977. It was launched as a secular pan-Arab daily. The founder and first editor-in-chief, Ahmed el-Houni (أحمد الصالحين الهوني), was a former Libyan minister of information. Until today, the paper has a special focus on the North-African region.
Let’s examine a big section of the article more closely.
الجزائر تعزز علاقتها بموريتانيا تحسبا للتوترات الإقليمية
Algeria strengthens ties with Mauritania anticipating regional tensions
قام وزير الخارجية الجزائري أحمد عطاف بزيارة إلى موريتانيا، أين التقى وزير الخارجية الموريتاني محمد سالم ولد مرزوك، واُسْتُقْبِلَ من طرف الرئيس محمد ولد الشيخ الغزواني، وسلمه رسالة خطية من الرئيس عبدالمجيد تبون.
Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf visited Mauritania, where he met with Mauritanian Foreign Minister Mohammad Salem Ould Marzouk. The [Mauretanian] president, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, also received Attaf and the latter handed him a written letter from [the Algerian] president Abdelmajid Tebboune. (Lit.: He was received by Mohamed Ould Ghazouani…)
وتأتي هذه الزيارة في سياق حركية لافتة بين البلدين، حيث سبق لوزير خارجية ورئيس مجلس النواب الموريتانيين زيارة الجزائر منذ أيام. كما تندرج الزيارة في إطار جولة إقليمية لرئيس الدبلوماسية الجزائرية هادفة إلى تحسين العلاقات مع دول الجوار وكسر ما بدا أنه مسار للعزلة تعيشه الجزائر بسبب توتر علاقاتها الإقليمية.
The visit falls in the context of a noteworthy movement between the two countries, as the Mauritanian foreign minister and speaker of the parliament paid a several-day-long visit to Algiers a view days ago. The visit also falls in the context of a regional tour by the head of the Algerian diplomatic corps aimed at improving the relations with the neighboring countries and breaking what seems to be an isolation that Algeria is experiencing due to its tense regional relations.
وجاءت زيارة رئيس الدبلوماسية الجزائرية إلى موريتانيا في إطار جولة إقليمية لعدة عواصم إقليمية على غرار تونس وطرابلس، أين نقل رسائل خطية من طرف الرئيس تبون، مما يترجم رغبة الجزائر في تحريك محاور الجوار لبلورة مقاربة مشتركة بغية مواجهة التحديات القائمة، لاسيما دخول قوى إقليمية على خط النفوذ في المنطقة.
The head of the Algerian foreign minister to Mauritania is one of many visits to several regional capitals, such as/including Tunis and Tripoli, where he conveyed written letters from President Tebboune, which explains Algiers’ desire to stir the neighboring axes into establishing a common approach to deal with the present/existing challenges, especially since regional powers have stepped into the line of influence in the region.
ويبدو أن الجزائر المنزعجة من حملة مناهضة لها، بقيادة المجلس العسكري الحاكم في مالي، خاصة بعد إعلان المجلس إنهاء العمل باتفاق السلم والمصالحة، واتهام الجزائر بـ “رعاية الإرهاب والتدخل في شؤون بلدهم الداخلية”، تريد تطويق الأزمة في إطار محدود، وبلورة مقاربة بين دول الجوار، قياسا بما تراه “مغامرة تهدد أمن مالي ووحدتها والمنطقة عموما”.
It appears that Algiers is upset over a campaign against it led by the ruling Military Council in Mali, especially since the Council announced the termination of the Peace and Reconciliation Treaty and accused Algeria of “sponsoring terrorism and interfering in the country’s internal affairs”. Thus, Algiers is seeking to contain this crisis by coming up with a joint approach between the neighboring countries to address the “adventure” threatening Mali’s security and unity, and the region in general.
ويقول مراقبون إن رهان الجزائر على موريتانيا هدفه تأمين الطريق إلى غرب أفريقيا ومنافسة المغرب، وهو ما يفسر حرص الجزائر على الاستمرار في إنجاز طريق برية بمسافة تقارب 800 كيلومتر، ويهدف إلى تقليص التباسات حركة الأفراد والمركبات التي كانت تُضْطَرُّ إلى قطع جزء من رحلاتها في إقليم الصحراء.
Observers believe that Algeria’s bet on Mauritania aims at securing a way into West Africa and competing with Morocco. This explains Algiers’ keenness on building a land road of around 800 kilometers to improve the movement of individuals and vehicles that were forced into crossing the desert when traveling.
ولم يستبعد مراقبون في المنطقة أن تكون الزيارة قد حملت ردا للرئيس الموريتاني على رسائله التي وجهها في وقت سابق لكل مِن قادة تونس والجزائر والمغرب وليبيا والسودان ومصر، ويُرَجَّحُ أن تكون قد تَمَحْوَرَتْ حول الوضع في الشرق الأوسط والحرب الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة، وفي منطقة الساحل الأفريقي، فضلا عن طموح نواكشوط لتولي رئاسة الاتحاد الأفريقي.
Observers in the region also believe that the visit [by Attaf] probably brought a response to the Mauritanian president’s earlier messages to the leaders of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Sudan, and Egypt. It is likely that the [Algerian] response focused on the situation in the Middle East, the Israeli war on Gaza, and the African Sahel area in general, in addition to Nouakchott’s desire to head the African Union.
وتولي الجزائر أهمية كبيرة لتطوير علاقاتها مع موريتانيا، حيث تم الاتفاق على تأسيس آلية مشتركة للتشاور السياسي وتعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي والتجاري والأمني، خاصة في ظل التوترات التي تعيشها المنطقة.
Algeria attaches great importance to (is very much interested in) developing its relations with Mauritanian. Thus, an agreement was reached on establishing a joint mechanism for political discussions (consultations) and strengthening the economic, commercial, and security-related cooperation, especially in light of the tensions (lived) in the region.
Vocabulary list
All the words in the above article marked in yellow can be found in this table with explanations.
عَزَّزَ – يُعَزِّزُ | to strengthen; to consolidate. It is a II-verb. |
تَحَسُّبًا لِ | in anticipation of; in case of. It is the infinitive noun of V-verb تَحَسَّبَ – يَتَحَسَّبُ لِ which means to take precautions; to be careful; to watch out; to look into. The preposition لِ indicates the matter or topic. |
تَوَتُّرٌ – تَوَتُّراتٌ | tension |
إِقْلِيمِيٌّ | regional; provincial |
مِن طَرَفِ | on the part of; by |
خَطِّيٌّ | written |
فِي سِياقِ | in the context of… You may also often read: in this context (فِي هٰذا السِّياقِ) |
لافِتٌ | noticeable; remarkable. If you need the adverb remarkably, you can say: عَلَى نَحْوٍ لافِتٍ |
سَبَقَ – يَسْبِقُ | to precede |
مَجْلِسُ النّوّابِ | parliament; the House of Representatives (USA) |
اِنْدَرَجَ – يَنْدَرِجُ | to fall within; to be included. VII-verb |
إطار – plural: إطارات or أُطُر | frame; framework; scope |
هادِف إِلَى | aimed at; purposeful; determined |
دُوَلُ الْجِوارِ | neighboring countries |
بَدا – يَبْدُو | to seem; to appear; to turn out. I-verb; root: ب-د-و |
مَسارٌ – plural: مَسارات | path; course. For example, career path (مَسارٌ وَظِيفِيٌّ). |
عُزْلة | isolation; separation |
عاصِمةٌ – plural: عَواصِمُ | capital (city). Note: If the country and a city share the same name as it happens with in Arabic with Tunis or Algiers, you include the word عاصِمة. For example: Algiers (الْجَزائِرُ الْعاصِمةُ) |
عَلَى غِرارِ | in the manner of; following… Often, you can translate it also simply as such as. Another example: one way or another (على غِرارٍ ما). |
تَرْجَمَ – يُتَرْجِمُ | to translate; to convert; in IT: to compile. It is a I-form verb with four root letters. |
رَغْبةٌ – plural: رَغَباتٌ or رِغابٌ | desire; wish |
تَحْرِيكٌ | setting in motion; moving. It is the infinitive noun of II-verb حَرَّكَ – يُحَرِّكُ which means to move. |
مِحْوَرٌ – plural: مَحاوِرُ | axis. Watch out: مُحاوِر with “u” means speaker or conversationalist. |
بَلْوَرةٌ | formation; developing. It can also express crystallization. |
مُقارَبةٌ | approach. It is the infinitive noun of III-verb قَارَبَ – يُقارِبُ which means to approach. |
بُغْيةَ | with the aim of; in order to. For example: in order to arrive at a solution (بُغْيةَ التَوَصُّلِ إلى حَلٍّ) |
لا سيَّما | especially; in particular; mainly. If you are eager to know more, check this article. |
What does لا سِيَّما mean?
نُفُوذٌ | influence; authority |
مُنْزَعِجٌ | annoyed; upset; irritated |
حَمْلةٌ – plural: حَمَلات | campaign; operation |
مُناهِضٌ لِ | against; opposing; anti- |
رِعايةٌ | care; sponsoring; nursing |
تَطْوِيقٌ | containing; enclosing. It is the infinitive noun of II-verb طَوَّقَ – يُطَوِّقُ which means to surround; to besiege; to control. |
قِياسًا بِ | compared to. You may also read: بِالْقِياسِ إِلَى. The noun قِياسٌ means dimension, proportion or analogy, relation. |
مُغامَرةٌ | adventure; risky thing |
مُراقِبٌ | supervisor; observer. But also: censor (for example, in media) |
رِهانٌ عَلَى | (a) bet on |
مُنافِسٌ | competing; it can also mean competitor. It is the active participle of III-verb نافَسَ – يُنافِسُ which means to compete with somebody over something (نافَسَ شَخْصًا عَلَى \ فِي شَيْءٍ). |
فَسَّرَ – يُفَسِّرُ | to explain; to comment. II-verb |
حِرْصٌ | desire; wish. Often you encounter it in the phrase حِرْصًا عَلَى which means in the desire for. |
إِنْجازٌ | achievement; completion |
بَرِّيٌّ | land, ground (adjective for a noun) |
مَسافةٌ | distance |
تَقْليصٌ | decrease; reduction |
اِلْتِباس | confusion; ambiguity. It is the infinitive noun of VIII-verb الْتِباس – يَلْتَبِسُ which means to be vague; to be unclear; to be dubious. |
مَرْكَبةٌ | vehicle; wagon |
اضْطَرَّ – يَضْطَرُّ | to force; to oblige. It is often used in the passive voice (as in our example): to be forced/compelled to do something (اُضْطُرَّ إلى شَيْءٍ). |
اسْتَبْعَدَ – يَسْتَبْعِدُ | to consider something unlikely; to consider (too) far; regard as unlikely; rule out. Oftentimes, this verb occurs in the passive voice or with a negation device. So, watch out: to consider it unlikely that (اسْتَبْعَدَ أنْ) versus it is not inconceivable that (لا يُسْتَبْعَدُ أنْ). In the last example, the verb يُسْتَبْعَدُ is in the passive voice! |
قائِدٌ – plural: قادة or قادات or قوَّد or قوّاد | leader; commander |
رَجَّحَ – يُرَجِّحُ | to consider it likely; to assume that. II-verb. Watch out: Usually, you use this verb in the passive voice (المَبْني للمَجْهولِ) to express: it’s likely, that (يُرَجَّحُ أَنْ or يُرَجَّحُ أَنَّ). |
تَمَحْوَرَ – يَتَمَحْوَرُ | to revolve; rotate. This is a II-verb of four root letters (م-ح-و-ر)! Usually, you place حَوْلَ (around; about) after it. |
ساحِلٌ – plural: سَواحِلُ | coast; shore. For example: offshore (أمامَ السّاحِلِ); the north coast (السّاحِلُ الشَّمالِيُّ) |
فَضْلًا عَنْ | aside from. If you want to say besides, moreover, you can use فَضْلاً عَنْ ذٰلِكَ. |
طُمُوحٌ | ambition. Watch out, with the vowel “a”, it means ambitious (طَمُوحٌ). |
تَوَلَّى – يَتَوَلَّى | to take upon oneself; to occupy; to take/be in charge of; to hold; manage. V-form-verb. For example: to come into power/to seize power (تَوَلَّى الْحُكْمَ). |
طَمَحَ – يَطْمَحُ إِلَى | to be ambitious; to aspire to |
آليّةٌ | mechanism; also: vehicle. For example: the mechanism of supply and demand (آليّةُ الْعَرْضِ وَالطَّلَبِ) |
تَشاوُرٌ | dialogue; also: consultation. For example: consultation between the two parties (التَّشاوُرُ بَيْنَ الطَّرَفَيْنِ) |
تَعاوُنٌ | cooperation. For example: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development = OECD (مُنَظَّمَةُ التَعاوُنِ الاِقْتِصادِيِّ وَالتَنْمِيَةِ). It is the infinitive noun of the VI-verb تَعاوَنَ – يَتَعاوَنُ (root: ع-و-ن) which means to work together; to collaborate. If you want to express with whom you work together, use the preposition مَعَ. |
ظِلٌّ – plural: ظِلال or ظُلول or أَظْلال | shadow. This is sometimes difficult to translate because in English, you would not say “shadow”, but rather “light”, which is quite the opposite. |
NOTICE: If there are any errors or mistakes in this article, please let me know or use the comment section below. I am not a native English speaker, and inaccuracies can quickly creep in with more complicated texts. We are all here to learn.
DISCLAIMER: Just so you know, my focus is purely on the language, and my selection of texts does not express any political views. The Arab world is currently full of sad conflicts. If a text excerpt hits someone personally or makes them angry, please remember that as a journalist, I listen to all sides without judgment, and I do not want to spread any political views or engage in discussions on Arabic for Nerds. All I care about here is the wonderful language of Arabic, and that we can all use it to understand each other better.
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Thanks for sharing such an interesting and informative article.
I have a question:
Is it (لَمْ يُعَدْ قادِرًا عَلَى شَيْءٍ) or (لَمْ يَعُدْ قادِرًا عَلَى شَيْءٍ).
Thanking you in advance!
Many thanks for the hint, you saw that very well! I accidentally twisted the vowels. I’ve corrected it.
The phrase لَمْ يَعُدْ is the indicative/active voice, jussive (مجزوم).
The phrase لَمْ يُعَدْ is the passive voice, jussive.