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The verb عَسعَسَ (to become dark) is Mennan Salih's favorite Arabic word. The author of the popular Arabic language blog "The Arabic Pages" recently began studying Akkadian, looking for similarities to Arabic. Learn more about her in episode #33 of the 9273-roots interview series.
I have always come across excellent Arabic speakers in Turkey. Betül Aslan is one of them. "The reason for learning a language is the most critical point that affects the learning process", says Betül in interview #30 of the 9273 roots series.
Ulric Shannon is currently studying and absorbing Iraqi Arabic in Baghdad. In a long interview, the Ambassador of Canada, who is not only passionate but also impeccably knowledgeable of Arabic, tells us about the characteristics and specialities of Iraqi Arabic and gives some book recommendations.
Arabic grammar was of special interest in Europe especially in the 19th and early 20th century. Here is a list of the TOP FIVE Arabic grammarians from the West
Arabic is usually written without vowels (tashkeel). The website Forvo can help you to find the correct pronunciation of Arabic words and names.
"9273 roots" interview: 20 questions for the man who works for one of the best translation companies for Arabic: Brian Powell
Episode #12 of my series "9273 roots": 20 questions for the man who tells native Arabic speakers what mistakes they make: Mahmoud Gomah.
Episode #11 of my series "9273 Roots": 20 questions for the Western diplomat and Canadian ambassador who likes to give interviews in Arabic: Ulric Shannon.
Episode #7 of my "9273 roots" series: 20 questions for the man who made learning Arabic dialects easy: Matthew Aldrich of Lingualism.
PupilHD is the best app to watch Arabic TV with an Amazon fire TV stick. You can stream hundreds of Arabic TV channels.