Google Home Arabic

How to use Arabic on Google Home

Google Home is now entering the abyss of learning Arabic. And the little device with the flashing lights is actually doing quite well. Let’s see how it works.

Last updated: 4 days

Home now also enters the abyss of learning Arabic. And that tiny device with the blinking lights is actually doing quite well. Let’s see how it works (and sounds).

Google Assistant (Google Home) now supports Egyptian Arabic and Saudi Arabic (in beta). It used to be limited to certain users, but now you can use it also in Europe, and I am sure also in the US.

Update: Google has announced in December 2019 that Googles Assistant supports now 15 more Arabic countries besides and Saudi Arabia.

I couldn’t figure it out what is the idea behind Egyptian and Saudi Arabic because my Google device speaks a version of Standard Arabic and definitely not a dialect.

It would be also a miracle if Google understood the probably fastest spoken dialect in the world – Egyptian Arabic. This will take some more time, I guess. However, my Google Home did understand the question “izayyak?” which was pretty cool.

Google Assistant Arabic

But let’s see how it sounds.

This is the answer if you ask Google: “What time is it”? (السّاعة كم؟)

Google Home tells the time in Arabic.
video source: Gerald Drißner

How do you tell Google Home to speak Arabic?

It is easy. Open the Google Home app on your phone. Go to account – settings (general) – assistant (you see it at the top) – languages.

google Home language instruction
photo credit: Screenshot of

You can then choose two languages:

I have only tried Egyptian Arabic. To be honest, it is still pretty limited compared to English or German. Why?

  • I have asked my Google Home many questions, which were also transcribed correctly on the display (in Arabic!) – but there was no answer.
  • I can only guess, but since Google is using sources like Wikipedia, it may simply don’t have enough sources.
  • Furthermore, I have no idea how Google deals with the issue that in Arabic vowels are not written. How does Google know how to pronounce a word correctly? I have already noticed some mistakes – but who doesn’t make mistakes…

Another example of Google Home’s ability to speak Arabic:

video source: Gerald Drissner.

At the end of 2018, Google announced that Google Home can understand and speak 30 languages – which covers roughly 95 percent of users.

Google Assistant automatically detects your language each time you speak and respond in kind. If you’re multilingual, you’ll no longer have to pick only a single language to use with the Assistant.

And finally, the ultimate test: Can Google tell you a in Arabic? YES!

video source: Gerald Drissner.

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1 year ago

Does the google home mini speak arabic now?

Mohmmad J Malkawi
Mohmmad J Malkawi
2 years ago

How frustrated I feel about this thing. We are entering the year 2023, and the Arabic language is still not supported by the Digital Assistant. Anyway, today I bought the device, version 2, Google Home Mini, and I entered the settings, and the Arabic language option did not appear. United also did not appear to me to move forward in a language that is not our language 🤷‍♂️

Mohmmad J Malkawi
Mohmmad J Malkawi
2 years ago

All languages ​​of the world, even Hindi, are supported, and Chinese and Korean are supported, but Arabic is not

4 years ago

How to achieve that please? My country is set to DZ actually in Google home app

4 years ago

I bought a Google nest last week and was surprised that it doesn’t support Arabic even if I tick it in my Google home account settings, I am not sure if it is because of my country Algeria but it is just weird!

4 years ago

I bought a week ago Google home hub and Google mini but unfortunately there was no Arabic support and that was very bad because my Android phone use the Google Assistant in Arabic normally so I thought that I could buy the devices and it could speek Arabic but unfortunately no

4 years ago

I can’t find the arabic language

5 years ago

Does Google Home Mini speak Arabic now?

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