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6 posts
The Arabic expression فأسقيناكموه means "and we gave it to you to drink". This intriguing phrase is from the Quran. Let's analyze it.
Many readers have asked me about an electronic version of Arabic for Nerds 2 - because the book is too large and heavy to carry around. It is out now!
The correct vowel endings ضمة, كسرة, فتحة in Arabic can be a headache. If you are careless, you could turn verse 9:3 of the Qur'an into blasphemy (kufr).
ARABIC FOR NERDS 2 will improve your understanding of written Arabic texts dramatically. It helps you to achieve your final goal: the superior level (C2).
Parsing Arabic sentences to determine the function and case of their parts can be a headache. Many people struggle with the إعراب. But there is a formula.