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9 posts
MADAR is a remarkable tool to analyze Arabic dialects. The database contains 2000 sample sentences, each translated into the dialect of 25 Arab cities. Here is how to use it.
In recent years many outstanding modern Arabic novels were translated into English. Part 1: authors from Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine.
Episode #23 of "9273 roots": An interview with Sami Morcos - the man who created a great website that converts any number into Arabic text.
Hard to imagine today, but the grandmasters of Arabic grammar were superstars during their lifetime. Here is a list of the TOP 5 Arabic grammarians of all time.
Episode #21 of my series "9273 roots": 20 questions for the ambassador and authority on Syria who worked in almost all Arab countries: Dr. Nikolaos Van Dam.
Finding Arabic movies on Netflix can be challenging, but genre codes can help access a wide selection easily.
Yes, palindromes in Arabic exist. You can read it from right to left or from left to right - the letters are the same.
Episode #9 of my series "9273 Roots": 20 questions to the woman who uses Arabic poetry to deal with the senselessness of war: Widad Nabi.
Have you ever looked up the Arabic root ه-ت-ل-ر in Hans Wehr's dictionary? You will be surprised: It means "to behave like Adolf Hitler".