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4 posts
The Oxford Dictionary is the most up-to-date Arabic dictionary on the market today. In this interview, Tressy Arts, the dictionary's editor-in-chief, talks about the creation of this gigantic work. We learn why swear words aren't easy to translate into Arabic, how computers helped create the dictionary, and which Arabic words are particularly tricky.
I am a big fan of the Oxford Arabic Dictionary. Therefore, I am honored that one of the creators of this exceptional dictionary was available for the 9273-roots series: Jan Hoogland, a Dutch Arabic scholar and Moroccan Arabic expert.
How do you manage to motivate yourself to learn Arabic for years, even decades? Marco Rateitschak has been learning Arabic since 1999. In a guest article, he describes his journey and offers valuable advice for anyone in such a situation. A survival guide for lifelong learners of Arabic.
Episode #21 of my series "9273 roots": 20 questions for the ambassador and authority on Syria who worked in almost all Arab countries: Dr. Nikolaos Van Dam.