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Gift Idea

10 posts

Thoughtful suggestions for a present that can be given to someone who likes Arabic on special occasions such as birthdays, holidays or anniversaries.

Mennan Salih
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20 questions for: Mennan Salih (#33)

The verb عَسعَسَ (to become dark) is Mennan Salih's favorite Arabic word. The author of the popular Arabic language blog "The Arabic Pages" recently began studying Akkadian, looking for similarities to Arabic. Learn more about her in episode #33 of the 9273-roots interview series.
Jan Hoogland in the desert
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20 questions for: Jan Hoogland (#31)

I am a big fan of the Oxford Arabic Dictionary. Therefore, I am honored that one of the creators of this exceptional dictionary was available for the 9273-roots series: Jan Hoogland, a Dutch Arabic scholar and Moroccan Arabic expert.
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20 questions for: Betül Aslan (#30)

I have always come across excellent Arabic speakers in Turkey. Betül Aslan is one of them. "The reason for learning a language is the most critical point that affects the learning process", says Betül in interview #30 of the 9273 roots series.