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نُونُ التَّوْكِيدِ

2 posts

The energetic Nun, or Nun of emphasis (نُونُ التَّوْكِيدِ), is a grammatical tool in Arabic used to emphasize verbs. There are two forms: the heavy Nun (نُون التَّوْكِيد الثَّقِيلة) and the light Nun (نُون التَّوْكِيد الخَفِيفة). The heavy Nun is marked with a shadda and a fatḥa (ـنَّ), while the light Nun is marked with a sukūn (ـنْ). This emphasis can be applied to verbs in the present tense (الْمُضارِع) and the imperative (أَمْر), but not in the past tense (الْماضِي). For example, لَأَكْتُبَنَّ (I will surely write) uses the heavy Nun to emphasize the action.