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ألف خنجرية

7 posts

Dagger Aleph (ألف خنجرية): A diacritical mark in the Arabic script, written as a short vertical stroke above a letter, indicating a long /aː/ sound where the alif is not normally written. It is commonly used in the Qur’an and in certain words like هٰذا and رَحْمٰن

Arabic workout 1/24
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Arabic Workout 01

This month in Arabic workout: the imperative of رَأَى, how to write the number 9,441,861 in Arabic, and the Egyptian-Arabic phrase "bala neela".
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How do you spell لكن in Arabic?

Many students are confused as to why words like هذا, ذلك, or لكن are written with a dash (dagger Aleph). Should they be pronounced with a long vowel ("aa")? Yes, they should be.