Unlocking Arabic #1 - feature image

Unlocking Arabic #1: The difference between طول and طوال

There are many ways to say “during”, “throughout” in Arabic. For example: طوال. But which vowel do you use on the ط in طوال? Is it “i”, “u” or “a”? And do طول and طوال mean the same thing? An analysis.

Published: November 20, 2024

In the series “Unlocking Arabic”, I would like to address and discuss the finer points of Arabic grammar and word formation in a loose sequence – and do so quite concisely and precisely in small bites.

This is the first article of an ongoing series.

QUESTION: If you want to express all year round in Arabic, should you say طولَ السَّنَةِ or طوالَ السَّنَةِ? And how do you pronounce طوال correctly?

Let us first examine the word طوال. What vowels could you put on the first letter ط?

Option 1: طِوَال

Meaning: long; large; high. This is a plural form!

  • If we use the vowel “i” (كَسْرةٌ), we produce an adjective for the plural (صِفةٌ لِلْجَمْعِ).

The pattern for the singular adjective (صِفةٌ مُفْرَدةٌ) is فَعِيل which would lead us to a word we probably all know: طَوِيلٌ. For example: رِجالٌ طِوالٌ جِسامٌ which means tall, strong men.

طَوِيلٌ is derived from the verb طالَ which is based on the pattern فَعُلَ. The feminine form is طَوِيلةٌ with the plural طَوِيلاتٌ. Technically, we have a quasi- here (صِفةٌ مُشَبَّهةٌ). Words using this pattern are very common; for example, from the verb كَرُمَ, we get كَرِيمٌ.

Option 2: طُوَال

Meaning: (very) long

  • If we use the vowel “u” (ضَمّةٌ), we usually deal with an adjective (صِفةٌ).

It follows the patterns فُعالٌ (tall) or فُعَّالٌ (intensified version = exceedingly tall). So either with or without a doubling (شَدّةٌ) of the letter و.

In general, طُوَالٌ (option 2) has a stronger signification than طَوِيلٌ (option 1). For example, a very tall man could be described in Arabic as رَجُلٌ طُوَّالٌ.

What does the feminine version look like? We have two options: طُوالةٌ and طُوَّالةٌ.

Option 3: طَوَال

Meaning: during; throughout; along; during.

  • If we use the vowel “a” (فَتْحةٌ), we get a word expressing the same as طُوْلَ and َطِيلة.

Both طَوَالَ and طِيلةَ have a temporal meaning and describe a period of time from the beginning to the end of which something lasts or is done. Regarding the function طَوَالَ in the sentence, we almost always deal with an adverb of time (ظَرْفُ الزَّمانِ) which is why the word is cemented on a single “a”-vowel (فَتْحةٌ).

Correct solution: “all year round”

So if you would like to express all year round, could say:

  • طُوْلَ السَّنَةِ
  • طِيلةَ السَّنَةِ
  • طَوَالَ السَّنَةِ

All of the above phrases are correct and express the idea of during; throughout; all … long.

➤ In short, you need to think about the correct vowel on the first letter of طوَال!

Do you know words or intriguing Arabic grammar or conjugation issues that would fit into the Unlocking Arabic series? Maybe you even want to write about it? Or do you have a question about Arabic that needs an answer? Then please send me a message!

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1 month ago

Thank you for keeping the Arabic language and its beauty alive. Not many people appreciate it. But having studied it at length, I can appreciate the intricacies and nuances. I hope there are many others that can benefit.

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