The letter Nun can be used to convey emphasis (energetic). There is a "light" and a "strong" form. Here is how it works.
Oddly enough, حرب, the Arabic word for war, is feminine. There are many words in Arabic that look or feel masculine but are actually feminine.
The Arabic word إذا is tricky and is often confused with إذ or إذًا. Let's see what they mean.
The Arabic word ma ما has several meanings. Here is a list of the ten most common applications of ما in Arabic: negation, relative clause, etc.
In Arabic, you can only add certain letters to a root - what are they?
The causative description (na'at sababy نعت سببي) in Arabic is pretty tricky and often misunderstood. Let's see why.
In Europe or the USA we have a first name (given name), maybe a middle name, and a surname (family name). How is it in the Arab world?
The Ism al-Masdar اسم المصدر and the regular masdar sometimes mean the same, sometimes not. Let's check why.
In Arabic, you often use an "interpreted infinitive", a masdar muawwal - المصدر المؤول. This is formed by an أن plus verb in منصوب mood.
The Islamic call to prayer is a tricky construction. In Sunni Islam, the muezzin uses khayr (خير) which strangely denotes a comparative (better). Why?